Your choice, our future



What would happen if the world as we know it changed radically in 10 years?

The way of life that we have developed in recent years has such a high cost that it is impossible to maintain over time. Most of everything we generate has an irreversible environmental impact, often outside our direct awareness. However, the state we are reaching is alarming, the situation in which we find ourselves is extreme, but it is in our hands to act now or let there be no turning back.

Human consumption has reached an exorbitant point, where what were considered basic vital needs have been altered by a society that push itself to consume compulsively looking for an unreal happiness that helps us fill the void generated by our current lifestyle. Nevertheless, this happiness is nothing more than the fruit of an economic strategy where large companies are more concerned with increasing their income than with the collateral damage generated in the process, such as the destruction of the ecosystem, which ranges from social inequality, to the loss of identity of the living being.

If we take into account the vertiginous pace at which our society advances, we can conclude that in the last 150 years, people’s lives have changed more than they had in virtually all of the history we know: medical advances, the emergence of factories, internet or smart devices; and endless other things that have modified the way we coexist in different parts of the world.
But it must also be taken into account that during this period we have caused catastrophic damage to our planet and we are already beginning to feel the consequences as the extinction of species and complete habitats that we will never see again, or the climate change that threatens our quality of life.
It seems reasonable then to start wondering what kind of world we want to live in and think that the coming generations will be the direct victims of our actions. It is time that we begin to act and become the forerunners of change.

What kind of planet will our children inherit?

WHY: 21st century need

AS2 Studio was born as an intrinsic need for new production methods based on sustainability, which range from obtaining materials to consumer education, since it is now when there is the request and the social visibility that reinventing the industry requires.

This term (sustainability) indicates the importance of environmental conservation by providing us with the resources we need for progressive life development in the most harmless way possible; by creating a community that cares about the habitat that surrounds it, we will be able to deal with this problem from its origin, since every action counts in terms of environmental matters.

One of the fundamental objectives of AS2 Studio is to be able to connect people from all over the world who share this mentality and want to start acting towards a better planet in order to offer a series of services, all of them developed under the formula of sustainability, which facilitate the introduction of this industry open to improvement and evolution in our society.



AS2 studio is composed by a series of professionals located around the planet among which we highlight designers, creatives, engineers, researchers, artists and artisans that make possible the development of a sustainable industry that competes over the capacities of many other traditional entities.

Our team focuses mainly on the quality and efficiency of what is generated based on sustainable development, taking into account art as a channel of expression and expansion. This will be achieved thanks to the continuous use of new technologies and research studies, sustainable materials, new manufacturing and composition techniques, and many more factors involved in the process.

HOW: Sustainable process

Would it be possible to have a logical and technological evolution, lasting over time and capable of supporting a society as advanced as our current one?

Most people will think so, but they will believe that the vital course to which we are exposed must simply be followed, when in reality it is just that which will lead us, according to scientists, to a catastrophic situation of no return, thus ending life as we know it.

This project aims to make a worldwide call for maximum urgency, where industries and consumers that support the definition of sustainability must be the precursors of such a movement for a positive common social outcome and in order to demonstrate its viability operating in an increasingly easy and affordable way without damaging the planet.

Nowadays, scientists warn about the need for imminent action to reduce the inevitable and our objective is clear: do what is in our hands so that the situation does not follow its course of deterioration, educate society so that it can face it and finally dismiss any type of activity that serves as an incentive to cause the exploitation or destruction of the ecosystem.

AS2 Studio intents to be a participant in this and promote a change of mentality by educating the public so that it is able to distinguish between the different market options and know what the real price is to pay in the present and in the future in terms of individual and collective health, because we must not forget that it is the consumer who has the last word.

One of the most common excuses we usually hear when talking about this mentality of life is that it can be very expensive. However, the fact that sustainable processes are more expensive than those currently followed are due, among other things, to the disinterest of the consumer who does not demand quality values from the companies; and the lack of competent infrastructure.

What would happen if everything that is generated based on a given activity would NOT have an irreversible environmental impact?

Let’s think for a moment that we carry out this action as opposed to the current state of industrialization. That is when the difference in general costs could really be seen, with quality production for everyone and in all aspects. Obviously, it is not considered as a utopian barrier, but as a firm goal towards which to move in the most positive way as the only way of existence.

Based on this, AS2 studio collaborates with associations and NGOs offering social and environmental assistance to promote greater awareness and training, realizing a work of empathy to begin consolidating such stigmas in society.

WHERE: Planet Earth

We are on a planet full of possibilities, of energy, of opportunities, of an endless and unique guarantees, but there is one that should be prevail over all of them: INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM.

Every individual should have the right to be and be able to express themselves in a totally free way, as long as their own opinions or requests do not uphold those of other beings, that is, they do not mean an injury, a lack of tolerance, or a setback regarding other’s rights. Only in this way could we manage to respect and care for each other as a unit, as a whole to which we belong and where we are not alone.

Each one of these actions is not farther from reality, since we are really destroying the source of food and development for each and every one of the living beings.

How many times have you taken care of your house delimited between 4 walls, forgetting about the wonderful and spacious home that is the planet?

All of us are participants in the care of the land that has been given to us, and we have the option of not collaborating or supporting its deterioration and destruction, but we prefer to think selfishly and not as a society that should contribute to its enduring over time.

As precursors of this movement we must emphasize the importance of freedom, rights and consequent thinking; since we belong to the same human society that has the capacity against any other living being to face these problems in a logical and pragmatic way. That is why we cannot ignore the obvious, because we are all part of the world and therefore it cannot have an owner.

What is humanity and where has it stayed?


The countdown has already begun for everyone.

It is now or never. Institutions worldwide are in a situation of alertness to the imminent. A change is needed and that change must come as strong and as fast as possible so that it really has an effect.

The situation is critical, real and conclusive. We have no other choice, the imposed and self-imposed lie has been discovered and must be eradicated. We have no time left. Now it is you who decides which side you are on: life or death.

Which is your choice?